Who is Lin Felton aka QUIK ?

Lin Felton was born in 1958 in Queens, he currently lives and works in New York, Brooklyn.

He starts tagging on the walls of Queens at the age of 10 under the name Star10. His fascination for this world begins when he sees the subway trains covered with moving tags. He choosed the name Quik drawn everywhere. Solitary, he is not part of any crew.

Very socially engaged , his works denounce the racial discriminations through the character of Quik. They refer to his private life, the world of art, business in a humorous and offbeat manner.

Reknown on the international scene, his works have integrated prestigious collections. His works are thus represented in the collections of the Museum of the City of New York, the Museum of Harlem in New York, the Becht Collection in Amsterdam, the Martin Visser Collection in the Netherlands, the Herning Kunstmuseum in Denmark, the Groninger Museum of the Helmond Museum in the Netherlands, the Henk Pijnenburg Collection, the Rudolph Scharpf Collection, the Martin Wong Collection, the Yaki Korenblit Collection, the Martin Sanders Collection, the Wildenberg Collection, and the Dieter Weber Collection.

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